Murray State University

Photo credit: Mike Wilkinson

Dr. Michael Flinn of Murray State University monitored and quantified a suite of biological responses to wetland restoration. Factors included hydrology, sediment, surface water nutrients (nitrogen), vegetation, freshwater invertebrates, fish, herpetofauna, birds and bats.



  • Stryszowska-Hill, K.M., K.A. Baumann, H.H. Whiteman, M.B. Flinn. (2022) Wetlands Reserve Program restorations improve floristic quality of understory plant community over time, but community differs from reference wetlands. Restoration Ecology, Vol.31:3:e13765.   
  • Soldo, Christiane M. Ms., “Return of Floodplain Connectivity and Concurrent Macroinvertebrate Community Response Following Wetland Restoration in Western Kentucky” (2022). Murray State Theses and Dissertations. 263. 
  • Zuklic, Lucas, “Fish communities respond to hydrology and elevation in restored western Kentucky wetlands” (2022). Murray State Theses and Dissertations. 266.

In Preparation:

  • Lucas M. Zuklic, Karen A. Baumann, Kinga M. Stryszowska-Hill, Michael B. Flinn. In prep. Hydrology influences fish communities in restored wetlands.
  • Christiane M. Soldo, Karen A. Baumann, Kinga M. Stryszowska-Hill, Michael B. Flinn. In prep. Response of macroinvertebrates to wetland restoration under differing hydrologic modification.
  • Tyler A. Befus, Karen A. Baumann, Kinga M. Stryzowska-Hill, Michael B. Flinn. In prep. Denitrification in restored wetlands shows high potential with optimum hydrology. 
  • Karen A. Baumann, Nathan Waltmon, Kinga M. Stryzowska-Hill, Michael B. Flinn. In prep. Bat activity in restored wetlands tightly coupled with insect emergence and canopy cover. 
  • Moon, J.B., Miles, M., Firkins, L., Baumann, K., and Flinn, M. In Prep. Sediment, Carbon, and Nitrogen Storage Potential of ACEP WREs in the Upper Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Target Journal: Wetlands.