Tennessee Tech University

Photo credit: Mike Wilkinson

Professor Justin Murdock of Tennessee Tech University pulled thousands of soil samples from wetland restoration sites for laboratory analysis to study nutrient retention and how the soils filtered water under flood conditions.



In Preparation:

  • Owusu, C., Masto, N. M., Kalyanapu, A. J. Cohen, B., and Murdock, J. “Shallow Water Depth Estimation of Inland Wetlands Using Landsat 8 Satellite Images”.
  • Snigdha, N. J., Owusu*, C., Martin*, M., and Kalyanapu, A. J. “Remote Sensing applications for wetland restoration process evaluation”.
  • Martin, M., Snigdha*, N. J., Owusu*, C., and Kalyanapu, A. J. “HEC-RAS based Hydrodynamic analysis for rating curve developments for wetland water budget estimation”.
  • Murdock, J., Brown, R., Duwadi, S, and Womble, S. “Design decisions can produce ecosystem service trade-offs in restored agricultural floodplain wetlands”. Justin Murdock, Robert Brown, Shrijana Duwadi, and Spencer Womble
  • Murdock, J. and Michael, M. “Spatial variation of nutrient uptake in a restored agricultural wetland”.
  • Womble, S. Murdock, J., Brown, R., and Duwadi, S. “Nutrient retention rates across different restoration practices in restored agricultural wetlands”. 
  • Womble, S. Murdock, J., Brown, R., and Duwadi, S. “Inundation Frequency Influences Nitrate Retention and Select Soil Properties in Restored Floodplain Wetlands in the Lower Mississippi River Basin, USA”.
  • Womble, S. Murdock, J., and Duwadi, S. “Isolating the effect of vegetation and hydroperiod on nutrient retention in experimental wetland mesocosms”. 
  • Brown, R., Murdock, J., Duwadi, S, and Womble, S. “Evaluating flow-through soil core incubations for measuring nutrient uptake in wetlands”. 
  • Brown, R., Murdock, J., Duwadi, S, and Womble, S. “Nutrient storage and flux rates in surficial soils of floodplain wetlands: scaling up from soil cores to restoration easements”. 
  • Brown, R., Murdock, J., Duwadi, S, and Womble, S. “Nutrient delivery, retention, and processing in a reconnected floodplain forest”. 
  • Duwadi, S., Murdock, J., Brown, R., and Womble, S. “Spatial dynamics of soil physiochemical properties, potential denitrification, and their interactions in WRP easements”.
  • Duwadi, S., Murdock, J., Brown, R., and Womble, S. “The role of plant species and inundation duration in porewater nutrient dynamics and N2O fluxes in wetlands: a mesocosm study”.
  • Duwadi, S., Murdock, J., Brown, R., and Womble, S. “Greenhouse gas emissions from restored wetlands under increased temperature conditions”.

Dr. Alfred Kalyanapu of Tennessee Tech University deployed 188 instruments over 37 conserved restoration sites to study water residence time, water movement, infiltration and evapotranspiration.

  • No manuscripts and publications shared yet.