University of Missouri

Photo credit: Mike Wilkinson

Dr. Lisa Webb and Dr. Kristen Veum of the University of Missouri evaluated biotic responses to restoration over time by assessing soil microbial, physical and chemical properties, vegetation, macroinvertebrate, bird, and amphibian communities within 36 selected easements.

  • Podoliak, J. Assessing biotic communities and the capacity of restored bottomland hardwood forested wetlands to provide multiple ecosystem functions. Dissertation. July 2023. Available upon request and available online within one year of project end date
  • Podoliak J. D. Hicks, D., and L. Webb. Manuscript in Prep. A wetland for all seasons? Evaluating congruence in avian species richness and habitat associations within restored wetlands across the full annual cycle. Avian Conservation and Ecology.  
  • Podoliak J. D. Hicks, D., and L. Webb. Manuscript in Prep. Wetland hydrology and restoration age affect invertebrate and avian richness and abundance in restored bottomland hardwood forested wetlands. Wetlands
  • Hicks, D. 2023. Assessing the Biotic Communities of Restored Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands in Western Kentucky and Tennessee. Master’s Thesis, University of Missouri. Available upon request and available online within one year of project end date
  • Bradley, T. 2023. Regeneration of Soil Microbial, Physical, and Chemical Properties in Restored Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetlands. Thesis. University of Missouri.  Available upon request and available online within one year of project end date